Use a sturdy corrugated cardboard box (do not use a preservation box). You can find good boxes at Staples, USPS/UPS stores, or your local moving supply store. Expect a cost of under $10. TIP: reach out to your local bridal salons and see if they have excess boxes that you can use. Get a box that is just big enough, not too big! Recommended Box Sizes: (L: 18 x W: 16 x H: 9) / (L: 30 x W: 20 x H: 8) / (L: 24 x W: 16 x H: 6)

How To Ship A Wedding Dress
Quick Guide:
Packaging & Shipping a Wedding Dress
1. Prepare Your Gown
Inspect your gown head to toe to make sure you haven’t missed any blemishes. Fold the gown properly, using tissue paper or muslin cloth between layers to protect embellishments or beading from snagging on other parts of the dress when you fold it. Finish with plastic to cover it (in case the box gets wet).
2. Get The Right Box
The larger the box, the higher the shipping cost for the buyer. Use a sturdy corrugated cardboard box from home, or your local Post Office, moving store, or UPS. Recommended Box Sizes: (L: 18 x W: 16 x H: 9) / (L: 30 x W: 20 x H: 8) / (L: 24 x W: 16 x H: 6)
3. Seal It With A Kiss
Consider writing a lovely short note to your buyer telling her about the dress, your big day, or thanking her. Seal the flaps and seams with strong mailing tape that is a minimum width of two inches. Place the shipping label on top, avoid putting the label over a seam/closure.
In-Depth Guide:
How to Pack & Ship A Wedding Dress
Find the Right Box

Cover Up Details & Embellishments
Use tissue paper or muslin cloth between layers to protect embellishments or beading from snagging on other parts of the dress when you fold it. Take care here as preventing damage to the dress ensures a smooth and seamless transaction.

Carefully Fold the Dress
Note: this is optional. Only do so if you feel comfortable. Folding the dress inside out is the last line of defense in case the box is damaged or gets wet during shipping. If your box gets damaged, crushed, or wet while being shipped, having the dress inside out will protect the outer detailed layers that are beautiful. Plan your approach and take care of details, beadwork, and embellishments. Carefully turn the dress inside out before folding it. Use tissue paper, muslin cloth, or an acid-free tissue between layers to protect embellishments or beading from snagging on other parts of the dress when you fold it. Fold the dress bodice to hem. This should allow the dress to comfortably fit inside the box.

Protect the Dress
Covering the dress in protective plastic prior to placing it in the box will help protect it in case the box gets wet or damaged during transit. A great way to do this is to use the plastic cover your duvet cover came in or a new, clear, large sized recycling bag.

Seal & Label
Print off the prepaid shipping label we provided when your dress sold. If you are shipping internationally, a pre-filled commercial invoice will also be provided (ensure all 3 copies are provided to the carrier when you drop it off). Seal the flaps and seams with strong mailing tape that is at least 2” wide. Place the shipping label on top, and take care to avoid putting the label over a seam/closure or on top of the tape. You want the label to be clearly visible at all times. TIP: put a duplicate label inside the box so that if the label gets ripped off at any point during shipping, they can find the original owner (and recipient) quickly.

Drop it Off
Drop it off at your local UPS store. Keep the receipt they provide as proof that it was dropped off.